Thursday, October 24, 2013

review for test

             Today we reviewed all of the questions that were going to be on our upcoming test.  We learned more about NATIONALISM- (when the people of a certain country, think that their country is the best country out there) while jasmine taught our class.  I was so proud of our class because for the first time this quarter, we actually got "into" what we were talking about.  It's not surprising that we started actually talking when politics came up!  I think Mr. Schick was proud of us too.  We watched a short clip from a movie.  The main character was an anchor for the news.  They asked him why he thought America was the best country ever.  At first he went along with everyone else's reasons, but then he clicked.  He ranted on how we are NOT the best country.  I really liked it.  All around I think our class did so well today with Jasmine as our teacher.  

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


today in class we learned about Religion in different countries and how it affects wars or conflicts.  We talked about languages and what country speaks what language.  I thought this was a fun class for some reason.  I just really enjoyed it.  Anyway we discussed those different topics and how important those things are to human geography.  I also learned that the country next to Spain doesn't speak Spanish! I thought that was interesting too.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

test reveiw

   Today in class, we went over all the tests questions.  Our class was pretty talkative today compared to the previous classes which is good.  Mr. Schick was "messing" with the shadow today which was hilarious.  We went over population pyramids, the differences between immigrants and emigrants and some other topics that we should have been talking about in health class.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

class 10/9/13

      Today in class we went over our tests.  Mr. Schick told our class that we needed to participate more often in class.  The grades our class have been getting are fairly worse than the other freshman classes because of our lack or participation.