Thursday, September 5, 2013

Shift Happens

  Today in class, we watched "fun fact" videos and discussed what each fact meant since they were kind of confusing.  Thank goodness we went over all of that because I wouldn't have known what each one meant.

1.  25% of India's smartest kids, is more than to entire U.S population!
I chose this as one of my facts to write about because, It amazes me that so many people live in that country!  When I was younger, I used to think The United States had the biggest population on this earth.  I find it interesting that India has the amount of people that it does and is still growing!

2.  1 in 4 workers have been with their employer for less than a year, and 1 in 2 have been there less than 5 years.
i thought this was interesting because Mr. Schick was talking about how people used to get a job and keep it for almost the rest of their lives unless they find a better one etc.  I think that when I am old enough to start working, I probably will have a lot of different employers and jobs over my lifetime which is the main reason i picked this fact to write about.

3. 1 out of 6 couples in America met online!
I think that this was not only interesting but weird.  You don't even know the "real" person you are talking to which makes no sense to me.  anyways, I chose this last fact because I thought it was another good one to write about.

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