Friday, November 22, 2013

class 11/22/13

Today Mr. Schick was not here today so Mr. Torres substituted today. (he is really quiet).  We continued playing the game that we left off of yesterday. This game actually teaches us a lot about foreign countries and how different their problems are from ours!


Today in class, we played a game that contributed with countries that have problems like pollution or finding businesses that would work for them.  In that game the goal was to help as many people as possible and use your brain to find the source of the problem and using that knowledge to help the villagers solve it.  We also got to take weird pictures with an Emmy award.  Not sure where it came from but it was pretty cool to hold.

Thursday, November 21, 2013


In class we went over our tests questions.  Mr. Schick thought that giving us questions on the test that we really needed to think about was a good idea.  apparently it wasn't.  Some people did bad on the test because we didn't read the questions as we were supposed to.  We wrote the correct answers on our test as well so it would sink into our brain.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

class 11/19/13

Today in class while I finished my "World Leaders" test, everyone else was reading articles about honestly i have no idea.  Today's class seemed really short probably since shortly after I finished my test the bell had rung and everyone was running out the door.  Our class was once again, extremely quiet.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


country: China
government: communist
leader: Xi Jinping
leaders title: secretary of communist party

Country: Germany
Government: federal republic
Leader: Joachim GAUCK
leaders title: president

country: Venezuela
Government: federal republic
Leader: Nicolas MADURO Moros
leaders title: president

Country: Mexico
Government: federal republic
Leader: Enrique PENA NIETO
leaders title: president

country: United kingdom
Government: constitutional monarchy and Commonwealth realm
Leader: Queen ELIZABETH II
leaders title: chief of state

Country: Saudi Arabia
Government: monarchy
Leader: King and Prime Minister ABDALLAH
leaders title: Chief of state

Country: India
Government: federal republic
Leader: Pranab MUKHERJEE
leaders title: president

Country: France

Government: republic
Leader: Francois HOLLANDE
Leaders title: president

Country: Iran
Government: theocratic republic
Leader:  Hassan Rouhani
leaders title: president

Country: Afghanistan
Government: Islamic republic
Leader: Hamid KARZAI
Leader's title: president

Country: Brazil
Government: federal republic
Leader: Dilma ROUSSEFF
Leaders title: president

country: Israel
government: parliamentary democracy
Leader: Shimon PERES
Leaders title: president

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Political organization

Political Organization:
  • an identifiable land area
  • a population with a common culture
  • a population under a single government
  • synonymous with "country"
  • a single culture under a single government
  • a nation which has the same borders as a state
A Nation
  • a group of people with a sharped identity
  • think if it as a culture group
  • nations are culturally homogeneous 
An Independent State
  • boundaries
  • organized economy
  • education
  • transportation
  • sovereignty
  • external recognition
Country- are lines on a map

Nation- is a group of people with a shared identity

State- a government in charge of a lot of different organizations (claiming authority over land and people)

Interstate Wars- two or more states fighting over one piece of territory

Failed State- has no effective government

Diasporas- one nation spread over many states

Multinational States- more than one nation in a state

Friday, November 1, 2013

class on Nov. 1st

Today's class was quiet since we had to take a test but i'm sure everyone was really tired since it was the day after Halloween and i know most of my class participated.  I was tired as well that is why i slept in!



History of Islam:

  • Islam is a monotheistic belief in a god or gods,
  •  is an Abrahamic religion.
  • These people are called Muslims. 

They are mostly found in the middle east:
  • Indonesia
  • Iran
  • Turkey
  • Bangladesh
  • Pakistan
  • India
Their bible is called the Qur'an book (it is considered to be the exact words of God)

The belief:

  • It is a belief that God is one, and the purpose is to love and serve him.
  • It is also believed that Islam is the universal version of faith, and was revealed through Abraham, Jesus, and Moses.
  • They believe in Allah
  • They believe Allah is absolutely and completely perfect to them
  • No one shares divinity with Allah
  • Humans are not created in Allah's image
  • Humans can ask Allah for anything they want
  • Allah never sleeps, get tired, or dies

Religious practices:

  • Five pillars of Islam practices
  • They MUST pray 5 times a day (get on the ground and face Mecca)
  • They go through pilgrimage to become Islam.
  • The hajj consists of several ceremonies
  • They sacrifice sheep
  • They symbolize the completion by cutting off their hair


  • Roman catholic
  • Baptist
  • Lutheran
  • Protestant
  • Methodist
  • Mormon
  • Jehovah's witness
  • Quaker
  • Orthodox

About 50% are catholic


There are about 2.8 billion Christians in the world (1/3 of the words population)

They believe that Jesus is the savior

Jesus died and resurrected

Christians believe the word of the Bible

This belief emerged in the mid-1st century in the near East

Christianity became common in Europe


  • Is a religion indigenous to the Indian subcontinent that encompasses a variety of traditions, beliefs and practices
  • They worship "Buddha" also known as the "awakened one"
  • 6% of the world's population is Buddhists
  • 350-550 million people
  • They are found China, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, and Myanmar


One of the oldest practices today
The Buddha is a person who is completely free of all faults and mental obstructions
The teaching contributed to Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha)
They worship the Buddha