Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Political organization

Political Organization:
  • an identifiable land area
  • a population with a common culture
  • a population under a single government
  • synonymous with "country"
  • a single culture under a single government
  • a nation which has the same borders as a state
A Nation
  • a group of people with a sharped identity
  • think if it as a culture group
  • nations are culturally homogeneous 
An Independent State
  • boundaries
  • organized economy
  • education
  • transportation
  • sovereignty
  • external recognition
Country- are lines on a map

Nation- is a group of people with a shared identity

State- a government in charge of a lot of different organizations (claiming authority over land and people)

Interstate Wars- two or more states fighting over one piece of territory

Failed State- has no effective government

Diasporas- one nation spread over many states

Multinational States- more than one nation in a state

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