Friday, December 13, 2013

Exam Review (Friday the 13th) 12/13/13

Study Guide to the Semester Exam - Human Geo - Fall 2013

1. Introduction (Excellence)
a. A Letter to Garcia
b. Socrates/ancient Greeks
c. Did You Know?/Shift Happens
d. Globalization
e. Infrastructure

2. Population and Migration
a. population pyramids
b. crude birth rate, crude death rate, RNI, TFR- total fertitlity rate, rate of natural increase
c. immigration/emigration, NMR- net migration rate
d. push forces, pull forces
e. developed nations, developing nations
f. God Grew Tired of Us

3. Cultural Geography
a. language (bilingual nations, official language)
b. major religions (Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism)
c. ethnic heritage

4. Political Geography
a. country, nation, state, nation/state
b. World Leaders of the 12 nations we studied (plus the US)
c. type of government, leader and title, recognize photographs

5. Economic Geography
a. microfinance
b. infrastructure
c. Kiva
d. Peace Corps

  • Socrates- the unexamined life is unworth living
  • we are training for jobs that don't even exist yet
  • push forces- war going on 
  • pull forces- good health care, stable economy, freedom etc.  
  • developed nation- have infrastructure (electricity, good education system, good health care system, airports, harbors, ways to transport goods or receive them)    
  • developing nation- doesn't have infrastructure
  • different countries that have different problems, and realize that we have it pretty good here compared to other countries.  
  • we don't have an official language
  • Canada has 2 official languages
  • its is important to learn about language; it is good to be aware of cultural differences
  • English is the business language
  • looking at people and things from a different point of view
  • economic background is important.  (know world leaders with this background)
  • know where the leaders are located on the map
  • how do little loans help places that really need it?

Thursday, December 12, 2013

exam review 12/12/13

excellence is the first part of the exam.
doing things yourself.
 Message to Garcia.
how the world is changing (did you know? shift happens)
population and migration
net migration rate- how many people that come into or leave a country
immigration- people coming into a country
emigration- people leaving a country
net migration rate exact number- 0
TFR- total fertility rate-number of babies born in a year
crude birth rate
rate of natural increase- is a positive number
number of babies being born- TFR- for the population to stay the same- 2.1
the more kids, the more they will have kids.
look over the population pyramids
write a description of what u learned for each of the 5 units we learned this semester
economics- political geography
write paragraph/about world leaders we talked about

Thursday, December 5, 2013

microloans blog

Micro finance- a form of financial services for entrepreneurs and small business lacking access to banking and related services

Micro loan- a small loan given to individuals who might not have access t typical banking services, usually to start o expand small, self-sufficient businesses.

Who gives out micro-loans?
one of the best- known leaders is
- kiva has made 10.6 loans
- kiva's current payment rate  for all is its partners is 99.01%

Who receives micro-loans? 

  • micro-entrepreneurs who are trying to start a small business
  • villagers needing to fund a clinic, hospital or other health care facility.
  • teachers trying to run a school
  • students wanting to further their education 
Problems with micro-loans
  • High interest rates- sometimes as high as 23%
  • The cost of providing banking services to those living in poverty is high.  being the company to process one $500,000 loan, or or five hundred thousand $1000 loans.  
Micro-loans are a help, not a cure
  • banking services are often unavailable to poor people
  • there are many kinds of challenges faced by developing nations
  • some can be alleviated through micro-loans
  • poor health care

  • its a mosquito-borne infectious disease
  • humans and animals can be infected through the bite of a female mosquito
  • no vaccine exists 
  • it kills around 665,000 people a year, many of them children in Africa
  • mosquito nets can be effective 
Philanthropy- is the generous donation of money to good causes, and Bill and Melinda Gates are the second greatest philanthropists in history (28 billion 1/3 of their wealth).
they support research and development for a vaccine, diagnosis, and mosquito-control measures- like mosquito nets.  

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

10 questions

1.) What is a microloan? - loaning people money to help them get a kickstart in a small business that will be beneficial to help their business be successful.

2.What are some problems that can be helped my microfinance? Malaria, Drought, and Clean Water

3.)  How can microloans help? benefit others instead of the person allowing the community to benefit from it.
4.)  What is microfinance? -  is a general term to describe financial services to low-income individuals or to those who do not have access to typical banking services.

5.) What’s a microlender? - an organization that makes business loans to individuals who are not able to obtain financing from traditional lenders. (usually charge higher-than-average interest rates)
6.) what is malaria? What is it caused by? It is a disease transmitted by mosquitoes when they bite you.

7.)  What are some effects of droughts or heavy rains? -The climate in the region affects the farming which is relied on in many because they are not as developed as other places.The weather is unpredictable. Many times there won’t be as much rainfall that is needed for the crops to survive, these times are called droughts Other times there is too much rain, this leads to many of the crops getting washed away because they are already full of water and can’t take any more in. Both resulting in little/no crops.

8.)  How do loans affect small business? - Loans help people with small businesses to get a kick start on what they want to do. They may get funds, structure investments, housing, and help for the economy in small areas near by.

9.) Who is the biggest provider for mosquito nets? - Bill Gates

10.) How many deaths does malaria cause each year? - 6,000

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Microfinance- is a general term to describe financial services to low-income individuals or to those who do not have access to typical banking services
Microloans- is when a small amount of money to a developing business once the business is running well, the loaner will receive their money back.
  •  loans people money to help them get a kick start in a small business that they think will be beneficial to their village or town
Ways microloans help
  • Benefit others instead of the person allowing the community to benefit from it
Microloans- also helps investments in infrastructure, education, and legal reforms
  • Allows small business owners access to insurance
  • Have a positive effect on the community around them
  • Provides microenterpreneurs with the capital needed to operate and expand their business
  • Allows people to work doing something they like doing or switch jobs

Microfinance provides people don’t have the money to get a loan to start a business and pay for medical attention, schools etc.
It helps small businesses to stay running.  It helps the legal economy pay insurance
If you get sued, the microfinance will help it get started again.

Problems in Developing Countries
In most developing countries, the majority of the population are poor, but it is the poor people who are least likely to be helped by regular banks.
Problems in developing countries that can be helped by microfinance
  • Malaria
  • Drought
  • Clean water
  • Famine
  • Pollution
  • Poor health care
  • Lack of supplies
  • Poverty
  • Bad electricity

Is a life threatening disease transmitted from mosquitoes.

  • Bill and Malinda Gates has distributed thousands of mosquito nets to infected areas.  

Micro Lenders
A micro lender is an organization that makes business loans to individuals who are not able to obtain financing from traditional lenders.  Micro lenders typically charge higher-than-average interest rates; their maximum loan is usually $25,000 or less. Recipients of micro-loans are typically in poverty or in development zones in the U.S., or who live in developing nations.