Thursday, December 12, 2013

exam review 12/12/13

excellence is the first part of the exam.
doing things yourself.
 Message to Garcia.
how the world is changing (did you know? shift happens)
population and migration
net migration rate- how many people that come into or leave a country
immigration- people coming into a country
emigration- people leaving a country
net migration rate exact number- 0
TFR- total fertility rate-number of babies born in a year
crude birth rate
rate of natural increase- is a positive number
number of babies being born- TFR- for the population to stay the same- 2.1
the more kids, the more they will have kids.
look over the population pyramids
write a description of what u learned for each of the 5 units we learned this semester
economics- political geography
write paragraph/about world leaders we talked about

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