Friday, December 13, 2013

Exam Review (Friday the 13th) 12/13/13

Study Guide to the Semester Exam - Human Geo - Fall 2013

1. Introduction (Excellence)
a. A Letter to Garcia
b. Socrates/ancient Greeks
c. Did You Know?/Shift Happens
d. Globalization
e. Infrastructure

2. Population and Migration
a. population pyramids
b. crude birth rate, crude death rate, RNI, TFR- total fertitlity rate, rate of natural increase
c. immigration/emigration, NMR- net migration rate
d. push forces, pull forces
e. developed nations, developing nations
f. God Grew Tired of Us

3. Cultural Geography
a. language (bilingual nations, official language)
b. major religions (Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism)
c. ethnic heritage

4. Political Geography
a. country, nation, state, nation/state
b. World Leaders of the 12 nations we studied (plus the US)
c. type of government, leader and title, recognize photographs

5. Economic Geography
a. microfinance
b. infrastructure
c. Kiva
d. Peace Corps

  • Socrates- the unexamined life is unworth living
  • we are training for jobs that don't even exist yet
  • push forces- war going on 
  • pull forces- good health care, stable economy, freedom etc.  
  • developed nation- have infrastructure (electricity, good education system, good health care system, airports, harbors, ways to transport goods or receive them)    
  • developing nation- doesn't have infrastructure
  • different countries that have different problems, and realize that we have it pretty good here compared to other countries.  
  • we don't have an official language
  • Canada has 2 official languages
  • its is important to learn about language; it is good to be aware of cultural differences
  • English is the business language
  • looking at people and things from a different point of view
  • economic background is important.  (know world leaders with this background)
  • know where the leaders are located on the map
  • how do little loans help places that really need it?

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